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China Mobile International and EITC Sign Partnership Agreement in Acknowledgement of Positive Diplomatic Relations between China & UAE




China Mobile International has chosen Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (EITC) to be its Data Center provider for one of its UAE Point of Presence (PoP)


Dubai, UAE, 28 November, 2018 - China Mobile International Limited (CMI) and Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (EITC) have strengthened bilateral ties between China and the UAE following the announcement that CMI will house its Point of Presence (PoP) at EITC’s world-class Datamena Data Center facilities. EITC’s Datamena services will enable CMI’s PoP to access the UAE and GCC Regions, as well as act as a hub point to reach the African market.


This partnership intensifies the growing diplomatic relations between China and the UAE– especially in the wake of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s recent three-day visit to the UAE in July, 2018 in which 13 agreements and a memoranda of understanding (MoU) were signed between the two nations to strengthen partnerships across various sectors.


Furthermore, bilateral similarities between the two countries further compliment their visionary leadership objectives, most obviously through their aligned aspirations towards achieving happiness and improving the lives of citizens through government-led visions and sector-driven technological innovations.


Osman Sultan, CEO of EITC, said, “We are extremely pleased that China Mobile International has put its trust in EITC to house its mission critical PoP at our Datamena Data Center. Customers are at the heart of what we do and our partnership with China Mobile International further enables us to simplify how we connect customers and create new efficiencies in our business. Through this partnership, we intend to create a new benchmark in world-class services and to serve the evolving needs of our customers. We also look forward to utilising our unique relationship with China Mobile International to better serve the Smart City 2021 agenda to create a seamless, safe, efficient and personalised city experience for all residents and visitors.”


The Datamena partnership builds upon many other initiatives that CMI and EITC have taken together to connect the communications infrastructure between China and the UAE to support the economic cooperation between the two countries by enhancing the quality of telecom services provided to Chinese Enterprise Customers and Retail Consumers in China and the UAE. The Voice Interconnect Agreement aims to provide superior and preferential international voice calling services between China and the UAE. The IPX Agreement will provide better quality of services for Roaming Customers accessing data services on Roaming. Lastly, the Machine to Machine data connectivity (M2M) MoU allows both parties to further explore Connected Devices’ opportunities in China and the UAE.


