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CMI hi-H Program Launches 5G Initiative to Accelerate Global 5G Development


25 Jun, 2019



(From left to right): Representatives from CHT, CMHK, CTM, Deutsche Telekom, Far EasTone, KT Corporation, PLDT-Smart, CMI, Orange, Tata Communications, Telefónica, Telenor, Telia, True Corporation, TIS attended the 5G Initiative Launch Ceremony



The Hand in Hand Program (hi-H Program), a global initiative established by China Mobile International (CMI), today launched its 5G Initiative. During a ceremony hosted a day ahead of MWC19 Shanghai, hi-H Program announced its plans to redouble its commitment to supporting hi-H Members in their endeavors to realize the full potential 5G technology. Representatives from 15 hi-H Members shared the stage and kicked off the 5G Initiative, in which hi-H Members will cooperate and pool their expertise in 5G technology with an aim to help equip one another for the 5G era.


5G Initiative

In anticipation of the upcoming 5G boom, the hi-H Program created the 5G Initiative to help Members navigate the complexities of deploying 5G services. The 5G Initiative focuses on three key areas of development, which are 5G+Ecosystem, 5G+Roaming and 5G+IoT. 


5G will have unprecedented and far-reaching effects on virtually all industries. Under the initiative, hi-H Members will work together to support the new ecosystem brought together by the next generation of communications technology. It will also serve as a platform to facilitate discussions around 5G to help Members move forward with their 5G roaming service roadmap. Finally, in light of the wave of IoT devices that are on the horizon, hi-H Program will also keep Members abreast on the latest IoT developments, and help them build a more integrated IoT ecosystem.


A total of 15 hi-H Member companies from around the world convened for the launch of the 5G Initiative, namely

China Mobile International (CMI), China Mobile Hong Kong (CMHK), Chunghwa Telecom (CHT), Companhia de Telecomunicações de Macau S.A.R.L. (CTM), Deutsche Telekom (DT), Far EasTone (FET), KT Corporation, Orange, PLDT-Smart, Tata Communications, Telecom Italia Sparkle (TIS), Telefónica, Telenor, Telia Company, True Corporation.


Dr. Feng Li, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of CMI and Chairman of hi-H Program, delivered the welcome speech at the beginning of the ceremony. “5G represents a massive opportunity for telecom operators worldwide, but it also comes with many challenges—challenges that are not unique to each operator. In light of this, we are introducing the 5G Initiative. We will serve as a focused platform where Members can tackle challenges collaboratively and accelerate their 5G deployment plans.”


As one of the hi-H Member representatives attending the launch, Mr. Chiu-Ming Lien, CTO of Chunghwa Telecom, said, “The hi-H Program is a tremendously meaningful initiative that has a proven track record of rallying the industry around key areas of development. We see the 5G Initiative as a catalyst that will bring the industry together and help drive 5G forward in an open, standardized manner.”


Supoj Mahapan, Managing Director-International Carrier & Alliance Management, True Corporation, said, “The 5G initiative offers a great opportunity for us to work with fellow hi-H members and clear out the speed bumps that could impede the momentum of our 5G service rollout.”


Evolution of Mobile Network Workshop

Prior to the 5G Initiative launch ceremony, hi-H Program hosted a workshop themed “The Evolution of Mobile Network.” From the earliest iteration of mobile telecommunications to 5G, the mobile network has been growing at a breakneck pace. The workshop facilitated heated discussions about the potential seismic shifts that going from 4G to 5G will bring to the mobile industry and beyond.


